Woodworking Machinery – Safety Guards and Fences
Guarding is the most effective means of reducing the risk of injury or harm from dangerous parts of a machine. In its simplest form, guarding is a physical barrier preventing access to any part of a machine that has the potential to cut,
pierce, graze or crush a person or a body part. Guarding can be designed and manufactured as part of a machine or it can be designed and manufactured as a separate part. Many types of guarding systems are available to protect workers from dangerous machinery. If guarding is used as a control measure, it should, as far as practicable, prevent access to the danger points or dangerous areas of the machine. Effective guards protect workers from preventable injuries. The guards should not be removed or disabled unless it is necessary for cleaning, repair or maintenance, and only then in accordance with agreed (and preferably written) safe procedures that prevent operation or unintentional start-up. The operators of the machines and other employees should be involved in developing these procedures, and be trained to carry them out.