Ready to meet the increasing challenges of a rapidly changing industry.
The Weinig Profimat is Back!
The next generation Weinig Profimat is back. The machine is ready to meet the increasing challenges of a rapidly changing industry. Both the Profimat 30 and the Profimat 50 offer speed, flexibility, reliability and quality.
The compact Profimat 30 packs a punch with its 10 inch touchscreen, Electronic read outs, Memory set and Motorised positioning of the width and thickness.
Come and see the new Profimat 30 in our showroom today.
HIGH -TECH Woodworking Machinery
One of Dublin’s largest and more progressive woodworking machinery and tooling companies in Ireland.
High-Tech represent only the manufacturers who are leaders in their field, have specialist expertise and who provide guaranteed quality and total customer support – it’s the main reason for our success to date.